DampeRIP's Zelda Crypt

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Zelda Gamecube

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Zelda for Nintendo

Zelda for Super Nintendo and Gameboy

Zelda for Nintendo 64

Hyrule Daily

The Return Of Hyrule's Reaper! :::

Hmmm... Vacation sucks... Never again... Well I am back from the... Well Im already dead so let's say boredom... So now I plan on making the ultimate step for this site wether it takes a couple of wall-walking-throughs and a couple of new deaths , I will entertain my visitors!
At least it's over.

This is a breif explanation of why my site exsists.


Ok and to get tips on all the Zelda games.You can E mail me QUESTIONS at DampeRIP@aol.com .I can also try to help you with other games.(like "Syphon Filter and "RE3")Of course Ive only beat RE3 but I could find some ammo CODES for Syphon Filter 1&2.

A Hard decision Made :::
Hmmm... I've thought long and hard , my end thought was on a happier tone than the first , I'm going to accept staff... Just email me if you want aboard...

Send a Tombstone
Hyrule , gosh , not much has changed since guru killed me.
"Whoa, that's crazy. I like it and you have a great imagination but good god, that's screwed up. I, as I'm just guessing you are (yeah right, I KNOW you are), am obsessed with everything Zelda. I like the site (again, it's weird), but keep it up. If you keep updating it I'll keep coming. Can't wait for Gamecube either.


P.S. woo...weird"

A compliment?

And he called me an old man.
and what's this of Termina! One day I'm digging a grave (a friend of mine's) and it was like , "WOOSH!" , Im floating and land on some skeleton and the bats , gosh , there were thousands.
Luckily , for some strange reason Link was there...

Send me a tombstone

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